Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

kesimpulan toefl mengaenai akuntansi

Basic Law Article 21 Income tax

1). Law Number 6 Year 1983 regarding General Provisions and Taxation Procedure (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1983 Number 49, Supplement Number 3262) as amended by Act No. 16 of 2000 (Republic of Indonesia Year 2000 No. 126, Supplement to State Gazette Number 3984);2). Law Number 7 Year 1983 on Income Tax (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1983 Number 50, Supplement Number 3263) as amended by Act No. 17 of 2000 (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2000 Number 127, Supplement Number 3985);3). Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 137/PMK.03/2005 of Adjustment personal exemption amount, adjustment amount has been set personal exemption is effective from January 1, 2006;4. Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 138/PMK.03/2005 of Determination Relative to Employment Income Part of the Daily and Weekly Employees and Employees Not Stay More is Not Subject to Withholding Tax, has been established for an employee earning the daily and weekly as well as other non-permanent employees are not subject to income tax cuts, which took effect on January 1, 2006;5). Decision of the Director General of Taxation Number KEP-545/PJ/2000 about Cutting Guidelines, Deposit and Reporting of Income Tax Article 21 and Article 26 In connection with the Works, Services and Personal Activities;6). For more details on its website can be found under the Directorate General of TaxationWAGES
 Wages are the reward given to the direct labor, the work / services rendered are calculated based on the unit or bulk or specific time.Sorts and Wage SystemBased on how the counting, the wage could be classified into:1). Unit wageWages are paid based on the number of units delivered, regardless of the length of time. More and more units are delivered, the more wages to be paid. Even if the production or processing of a particular project using the target processing time, but the target date does not affect the amount of wages paid.2). Piece rateWages are paid on a project or work or services, regardless of the number of units produced and the time spent to complete the project.3). Daily wageWages paid for a work or service delivered, which is calculated based on the length of time that has been used to complete a job. without considering the number of units produced and the volume of a job. Even if the company set a target amount or a certain volume, then the amount or volume does not affect the amount of wages is to be taken into account during the same time it is used.Wages grouping based on the time of payment,deliberately not discussed here given do not necessarily relevant to theAccounting, in addition to the timing of the payment itself.Accounting Treatment For Wagesa). Assessment (calculation) of WagesHow to determine the size of the value of wages, or how to calculate wages, depending on the type of wages to be calculated:Unit wage: Calculated by multiplying the quantity of goods delivered by the unit cost of the item, then reduced by the discount or refund defective goods that can not be repaired (if any). The amount of discount on goods tiidak defects can be fixed depending on company policy. If the company adopted a policy to not deliver the goods to the disabled worker to a particular weld, then the company just put on pieces of wage unit multiplied by the number of defective goods. If the company delivers fully defective goods to the workers, the company will charge a piece of the raw materials used plus overhead.If the work consists of different occupations vary with the cost of different units, then the calculation is the same way, the unit price multiplied by the quantity of goods delivered, only then summed with the other types of work.Wages Volume: Calculated by multiplying the number of projects at a price per project agreement.Daily wage: Calculated based on the number of hours worked multiplied by the daily wage.b). Recognition or recording of WagesWages are recorded or recognized at the net value is paid (net of wage cuts). When his confession:If the Company adopts accrual bases, wages are recognized or recorded when the goods are delivered or the date of the memorandum receipt of goods. Meanwhile, if companies implement cash bases, wages are recognized or recorded when paid wages (wage payment slip sesaui date).c). Wage ReportingWages of part of a large group of Cost of Production is a major element of the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) which is recorded as Cost of Direct Labor (Direct Labor Cost), which will affect the company's Gross Profit (Gross Profit) directly, and affects Net Profit (Net Profit) in the Company's Profit and Loss statement (Income Statement).Wage procedurea). Calculation of WagesWages are calculated by the production staff as the sub base perhtungan above subject. To then be submitted to the accounting, or uploaded to the server host (if using an online Accounting Information Systems). To then be downloaded by the accounting staff, summarized into reports per individual worker.b). Approval of WageBefore the wages paid, details or a list of the wage and the calculation is requested that approval to the Director and forwarded to the General Manager or Financial Controller to be studied and examined as needed. In terms of details and the calculation of wages is approved, the Financial Controller or General Manager will make recommendations to the Director for distujui. If not, then the reward will be suspended until an explanation or do revisions.c). Payment of WagesWages are only paid if it had received the necessary approvals and recommendations. The Company will withdraw the money and then paid cash for, or issued check or transfer, by issuing a wage payment slip.d). Examination of WagesAfter the wage implemented, the Financial Controller will perform a detailed comparison between the wages that have been approved by the proof of cash withdrawals, money dikasir physical rest, and wages slip. If the Financial Controller found no errors or irregularities will be creating the reasonableness of the remuneration statement.e). Archiving (Closure) WagesDetails of the calculation along with the attachment of wages, wage Evidence for cash withdrawal, payment of wage slips and fair statement of the Financial Controller archived into a file Wages.
Salary is the reward given by the party who employs the worker, in a relatively fixed, or in the form of contract.The amount of salary is usually determined when the agreement is done, and will not change until a new agreement. Value is relatively fixed.In this article will not be discussed in depth about the salary from the perspective of kepersonaliaan and general management. The discussion will be concentrated on those aspects of accounting.In accounting, salaries are included into class fees, the cost of salaries. Not a cost.Salaries elementsAlthough so many variations of the elements that exist on the cost of salaries, but the broad outlines there are four basic elements and two additional elements, which consist of:1). SalaryBasic salary is the main element, which is used as the basis of reasons why salaries are classified into groups of operating costs. Where the value is relatively constant (at least for one year). The value of these elements would vary according to the ability of the company, position, years of service. The higher the ability of companies, typically also will determine the relative value of base salary is higher, the higher the position the higher the basic salary, the longer the time it works it will further raise the possibility that eventually accumulate a vast increase in the value of their basic salaries.2). OvertimePolicy on overtime is not the same between one company with another company. However, in general, overtime is usually given only to employees in the levels (level) given alone, the staff (not managers).3). Fringe benefitsThere are various types of allowances, which in practice depends on the ability of the company.a). Benefit PositionThese types of benefits inherent in a particular position. The higher the position, even this higher allowance (up to a certain extent).b). Medical CoverageAllowances are classified as medical benefits provided by most firms after allowance. In practice the medical benefits are provided in different forms. For example: Replacement cost of healthcare, the release of drug purchase costs, and so forth.c). Benefits InsuranceThe most common insurance benefits used in Indonesia are insurance products provided by PT. Social Security (Limited)d). And other allowances (which vary and are not commonly used)4). PiecesSalary Cuts for the most basic is the piece of the Income Tax (VAT), insurance premiums paid by employees.5). Bonus & IncentivesBonuses and incentives are additional elements, usually provided by certain types of companies and to certain employees only, ie distributors, banks, corporate finance and operations similar to the target-oriented. This element value is not fixed.
Accounting Treatment for Salary1). Assessment (Calculation of Salary)Salary is calculated by formulating the elements that exist on the payroll. Of all the existing elements, only elements of the piece is a factor reducing the value of salary. While other elements are enhancer faktar the value of salary.
2). Recognition Top SalariesSalaries paid to the transfer system is recognized as transfer apada implemented, salaries paid by check are recognized when using the check is disbursed by the receiving salaries, while the salaries paid in cash (cash) wages are recognized when delivered. The amount of the salary cost is recognized for the value of the above formulations.3). Record keeping (Payroll Journal)Salaries are recorded at the time of his confession, that is: according to the date stamped on the transfer slip, the slip salary, date of check (depending on the form of salary given).As for the salary of the journal are as follows:At the time of payroll:Debit: Cost of SalariesCredit: Cash and Debt IncomeExample:Salary Costs (Debit): Rp 100 million, -Cash (Credit): IDR 90,000,000, -Payable Tax Article 21 (Credit): IDR 10,000,000, -At the time of deposit of Income Tax:Payable Tax Article 21 (Debit): USD 10,000,000Cash (Credit): USD 10,000,0004) Reporting SalariesIn the Income Statement, Salaries included in the large group of operating costs and fees stated in the account salary, which will affect large-small profits or losses of the company. Profit and loss statement will contribute to the retained earnings account (retained earnings) on the Balance Sheet.
Payroll Proceduresa). Calculation of SalarySalary calculation is preceded by the collection of data that will be used as a basis for calculation. Sources of data derived from the calculation of salaries of personnel who should have been submitted so close the payroll books do (usually 1 week prior to the date of the payroll). The data required are:To determine the amount of Basic Salary, Benefits and Allowances: Employees list (complete with title and tenure), attendance lists, lists of leave, paid holiday list.To determine the bonus or incentive: Register a basis for calculation (List sales of each salesman).The formula used is as mentioned in sub subject above.After the calculation is done, should re-examination and research before the Personnel Manager be approved.b). Approval of SalaryPayroll submitted by the Personnel Manager to the Director, with copies to the General Manager and or Financial Controller. Financial Controller and General Manager will conduct research both in mengkhusu and detailed or general, which is highly dependent of the proposed Payroll (if payroll is considered reasonable or not). After investigation, if it can be approved by the Financial Controller or General Manager will make recommendations to the director for approval, while if it's not fair, the Financial Controller or the General Manager is entitled to hold it up to explain and or carried out the necessary improvements.c). Cash demand for PayrollIn the case of Payroll approved and ratified, then the salary list will be submitted to The Accounting as the basis for payroll cash demand. Accounting Section will prepare a cash on demand. Cash demand accompanied by a list of the approved salary should have been received no later than 2 days before the date of the payroll.For the salary to be paid in cash, a check will be made in cash only for everything. For the salaries paid in the form of check, check will be made salty each for one employee. As for the salaries paid by wire transfer, it will put up a list of transfer orders to the bank.d). Distribution of salariesDistributed or transferred appropriate salary on the date of study, distributed by the company cashier, witnessed by staff personnel. Supervised by the Chief Accounting and Personnel Manager. This is important, so that if necessary can provide an appropriate explanation to employees who need an explanation.e). Recording PayrollAfter the payment of salaries has been completed, then the Book Keeper will make record by posting journal entries as appropriate (see the sub main discussion).f). Payroll checksThe next process is the review process. Examination will be conducted by the Financial Controller. The tests carried out, by comparing the payroll who have desetujui with cash expenditures, Salary Slip, the rest of the money that is still physically there at the counter, cutting Proof of Income Tax Article 21, to then be compared with the General Ledger Detail of the print-out by the Book Keeper. If not found error or morbidity, the Financial Controller will make a reasonable statement on the payroll, as well as providing permission to shut down.g). Closure and Payroll RecordsEnd of the payroll process is closure, which conducted an examination of the closure have been completed by the Financial Controller. Furthermore all the evidence related to the payroll (Payroll, Salary Slip, Evidence Tranfer, Clevis Check and Print Out General Ledger Detail authorized by the Financial Controller) filed into each binder that has been determined.

 Salaries and Wages are a form of return provided by the hiring party (agency or individual) to the workers of a given service or employment.Salary is the designation for the rewards given to staff or regular employees whose work could not be measured by a specific (amount and time) whose value has been established since the agreement on the set.While wages are the reward given to the direct labor that their work can be measured in specific units (the physical amount of goods produced or the work to be submitted for services)The amount of salaries and wages are determined by elements that are in the salary and wage itself. Elements and calculation procedures prescribed by the policy of the employing party (commercial enterprises, nonprofit organizations or private property), within the rules and laws applicable invitation.Relation to accounting, payroll included in the operating expenses while the wages included in the cost of production to later become part of Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), journalized in accordance with its group accounts. Paycheck and put into different groups because each has a different character.Salaries, wages and the accompanying elements is the object of Article 21 Income tax, where the hiring party mandated to do the cutting.

Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

tugas softskill artikel


Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Promotor konser Lady Gaga, Big Daddy, mengatakan  konser Lady Gaga yang akan digelar di Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta, 3 Juni dibatalkan.
Menurut Direktur Utama Big Daddy, Michael Rusli, kabar pembatalan tersebut baru diterima promotor Minggu (27/5) pagi  dari  manajemen Lady Gaga.
"Pihak Lady Gaga terakhir cancel baru pagi ini setelah pertimbangan beberapa hal, ini yang terbaik untuk individu-individu," kata Michael saat jumpa pers di Jakarta, Minggu.
Kuasa hukum Big Daddy, Minola Sembayang, menjelaskan pihak manajemen Lady Gaga tidak ingin ada yang cedera baik dari pihak mereka maupun dari penonton menyusul  ancaman-ancaman yang dilontarkan beberapa pihak. Alasan itu juga yang membuat pihak Lady Gaga  membatalkan konser.
"Kalau soal kelengkapan perizinan sudah 95 persen terpenuhi. Dari peraturan hukum undang-undang perizinan itu sudah memungkinkan. Instasi terkait sebenarnya sudah  memberikan support," jelas Minola.
Menanggapi rumor lokasi konser Lady Gaga  dipindah ke Bali, Michael menilai pemindahan lokasi tidak semudah itu mengingat logistik yang dibawa Lady Gaga ada sekitar 70 kontainer. Begitu pula dengan jumlah penonton yang berkisar 50 ribu orang.
"Di Indonesia belum ada gedung yang sebesar GBK," kata Michael. Dia menolak mengungkapkan kerugian yang harus ditanggung.
Penyelenggara mengemukakan akan mengembalikan uang tiket  100 persen dan  prosedur pengembalian tiket akan diumumkan pada Rabu 30 Mei


in my opinion lady gaga concert may fail due to lack of cooperation between parties relating to the concert.
and a few less parties agree as poorly dressed lady gaga at concerts and many also argue that the lady gaga do not appreciate the traditional eastern Indonesian owned.
and many who thought the concert was not good because the lady gaga insult all religions.
and many said that lady gaga moral ruin because of his lack of a reasonable range.
Pemerintah Berusaha Keras Pulangkan TKI dari Suriah
Liputan6.com, Jakarta: Pemerintah terus bekerja keras memulangkan TKI/WNI di Suriah ke tanah air akibat situasi keamanan yang semakin tidak kondusif di negara tersebut. Demikian disampaikan Kepala BNP2TKI Jumhur Hidayat, dalam surat elektroniknya yang diterima Liputan6.com, Sabtu (9/6) pagi.
Dikatakan oleh Jumhur, sejak Februari hingga Mei, Kementerian Luar Negeri telah memulangkan 233 orang termasuk satu jenazah dalam 10 gelombang penerbangan, untuk kemudian diantar oleh petugas BNP2TKI ke daerah asalnya di antaranya Jawa Barat, Banten, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Lampung, serta Sulawesi Selatan.
”Saat ini pun sedang dipersiapkan kepulangan sekitar 30-an TKI ke Indonesia, dari jumlah 103 TKI yang ada di penampungan Kedutaan Besar RI, Damaskus, Suriah” jelasnya.
Sejak pecahnya konlik berdarah di Suriah, Maret 2011, pemerintah melalui Kemenlu membentuk tim penanganan penyelamatan TKI/WNI yang diberangkatkan langsung ke negara tersebut.
Menurut Jumhur, KBRI masih menempatkan petugasnya di sekitar wilayah utama konflik, yakni Homs, Hama, dan Daraa guna tugas evakuasi terhadap para TKI/WNI. ”Di luar itu, ada belasan anggota TNI yang menjadi ’observer’ Persikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) di Suriah. Jadi, pemerintah bahu-membahu melakukan berbagai cara penyelamatan maupun tindakan evakuasi untuk TKI/WNI di lokasi terkepung konflik,” ujar Jumhur.
Terkait upaya pemulangan, lanjutnya, jika di negara Suriah mengalami larangan terbang maka evakuasi TKI/WNI akan dilakukan menempuh jalur darat ke negara Lebanon dan Jordan, hingga selanjutkan diterbangkan ke Indonesia.
Berdasarkan data Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Informasi (Puslitfo) BNP2TKI, total penempatan TKI di Suriah mencapai 11.760 orang. Sebagian besar atau 11.559 merupakan TKI Penata Laksana Rumah Tangga (PLRT) dan 201 terdiri TKI sektor formal yang bekerja di pengguna berbadan hukum atau perusahaan. ”Pemerintah juga memberlakukan kebijakan penghentikan sementara (moratorium) penempatan TKI ke Suriah sejak 9 Agustus 2011,” tegas Jumhur. (ARI)


           Currently the number of workers who are working abroad reached 4.2 million people. Of that amount, the majority working in Malaysia to reach 2.6 million. They are farm income for the country. But that is very unfortunate existence of the heroes of foreign exchange does not have legal protection in the event of acts of violence from their employers abroad.
Many cases of torture that occurred outside of both the workers in Saudi Arabia, Singapore and Malaysia, yet none of the employer who is serving a result of his actions. Bilapun there, a long legal process and long-winded. One of these cases of persecution dalah Nirmala Bonet, migrant worker from East Nusa Tenggara. It is three and a half years in limbo Nirmala case in the Court of Kuala Lumpur.
Because of government pressure on the country of destination for migrants willing to give a guarantee of protection against them, is indispensable. So that workers properly protected so that employers and companies that do not accommodate them arbitrarily without any legal sanction. If necessary, stop sending workers to countries that do not want to give a guarantee of protection.


Triawati Octaviani Siswa SMA N 2 Kuningan Peraih Nilai Tertinggi UN SMA 2012

Luar biasa dan salut! Itulah ucapan spontan  yang keluar dari mulut saya tatkala  mendengar kabar ada salah seorang siswa SMA dari Kabupaten Kuningan yang  dinyatakan sebagai  peraih Nilai Tertinggi UN SMA Tahun 2012.
Setelah mencari berbagai informasi, baik secara online maupun offline ternyata siswa yang  fenomenal itu tak lain  adalah Triawati Octaviani,  siswa kelas XII IPA 5  SMA Negeri 2 Kuningan, asal Desa Jagara, Kecamatan Darma, Kabupaten Kuningan.
Nilai hasil  UN yang dicapainya hampir mendekati sempurna  yaitu 58,60 atau rata-rata 9,77. Atas prestasinya itu, putri dari pasangan Drs. Syahrul Ari­fin dan Hj. Uhintawati, Am­.Keb. Ini telah mengundang rasa kagum dan bangga dari berbagai  kalangan,diantaranya adalah dari Bupati Kuningan, H. Aang Hamid Suganda. “Kita patut berbangga kepada Triawati yang telah mengharumkan nama baik daerah. Prestasi ini, harus menjadi acuan dan motivasi bagi seluruh pelajar di Kuningan. Maka dari itu, pemerintah daerah siap memberikan beasiswa pendidikan bagi Triawati atau siapapun yang mendapatkan prestasi gemilang seperti ini,” Demikian kata Aang dalam acara pengumuman hasil UN di SMAN 2 Kuningan. Sementara itu, Kepala Disdikpora Kuningan, Drs. H. Maman Suparman, MM. mengatakan, secara pribadi, dirinya akan memberikan hadiah kepada Triawati karena telah mengharumkan nama Kuningan dalam konteks pendidikan. (Kuningan News)
Sebagai orang Kuningan, tentu saya pun ikut berbangga hati dan pada kesempatan ini saya ingin menyampaikan pula ucapan selamat kepada Ananda Triawati Octaviani dan keluarga besar  SMA Negeri 2 Kuningan, Semoga apa yang telah dicapai ini dapat menjadi motivasi dan inspirasi  bagi para siswa  maupun sekolah-sekolah lainnya untuk senantiasa berusaha menjadi yang terbaik.
Very proud of what these students.
Indonesia makes the child more eager to learn and achieve their dreams.
for that we should follow the example of what he had done.
and the government is also providing advice and a good infrastructure for education.
and was supposed to be the successor of the nation is supported by good facilities from the government.
and various relief and local government costs for students who have difficulty in school we should have a lot of help because they will be the successor of our nation.


Angelina Sondakh Tersangka Korupsi

Jakarta – KabarNet: Proses penyelidikan, penyidikan dan persidangan kasus korupsi Wisma Atlet yang terkesan lamban dan membuat publik tak sabar, hari ini memasuki babak baru. Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) Abraham Samad, dalam jumpa persnya di Gedung KPK, Jl HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta, pada hari ini, Jum’at (3/2/2012), secara resmi menetapkan Anggota DPR Angelina Sondakh sebagai tersangka dalam kasus korupsi Wisma Atlet. Wanita yang akrab dipanggil dengan nama ‘Angie’ ini dijerat dengan sederetan pasal-pasal penyuapan.

“Tersangka barunya inisialnya AS, seorang perempuan,” tandas Ketua KPK Abraham Samad di hadapan sejumlah wartawan yang meliput acara jumpa pers tersebut.
Nama Angelina Sondakh, yang juga Wakil Sekjen Partai Demokrat ini sudah sering disebut-sebut oleh pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam kasus korupsi Wisma Atlet, baik oleh para saksi, tersangka, maupun oleh terdakwa M.Nazaruddin. Angie yang juga Anggota Badan Anggaran (Banggar) DPR ini dituding oleh mereka yang terlibat sebagai telah menerima Fee Rp 5 miliar terkait proyek kontroversial tersebut.
Bahkan M.Nazaruddin yang saat ini menjadi tersangka utama, sudah menuding nama Angie sejak Nazaruddin masih berstatus buron di luar negeri. Nazaruddin menuding Angie saat wanita itu memberikan penjelasan (yang menurut Nazaruddin penuh kebohongan) di depan tim pencari fakta Partai Demokrat,
Lebih lanjut Ketua KPK Abraham Samad, menyatakan bahwa Angelina Sondakh dinilai sebagai ‘pintu masuk’ untuk mengembangkan kasus korupsi Wisma Atlet ke calon-calon tersangka lain yang diduga terlibat.
Dalam pada itu, Abraham Samad juga menjanjikan bahwa akan ada tersangka lainnya menyusul penetapan Angie sebagai tersangka.
“Kasus ini tidak berhenti pada penetapan AS. AS sebagai pintu masuk mengembangkan kasus ini sampai pada akhirnya ada tersangka yang bisa kita ungkap dan menemukan tersangka-tersangka lainnya,” ujar Abraham.
Sebelum ini KabarNet telah memberitakan tindakan KPK yang melakukan pencekalan terhadap Angelina Sondakh dan I Wayan Koster.


It is an act which I think is very commendable.
when all citizens of Indonesia distress corruptors of fun over the tragic suffering of the people.
representatives should be aware of what they do for the benefit of the people rather than their personal interests.
and the representatives who can help build the nation and deliver the aspirations of the people to be heard and performed in accordance with the Constitution.
many of the representatives who only rely on his leadership to power is what makes it the nation's mental Indonesia has always slumped forward and can not think of only personal interest and power.


Berita Kejadian Pesawat Sukhoi Superjet 100

Pada thread kali ini saya akan mencoba mereviw ulang mengenai kejadian yang sekarang ini sedang menjadi hits trends. Tak lain takk bukan adalah pemberitaan mengenai Kecelakaan Sukhoi Superjet 100. Di akhir-akhir ini memang pemberitaan mengenai pesawat sukhoi superjet 100 cukup memborbardir informasi di otak kita. Baik itu media cetak maupun media elektronik semua memberitakan tentang hal yang sama, yakni Pesawatt Sukhoi Superjet 100, Misteri Gunung Salak, Foto Korban Sukhoi Superjet 100 dan Korban selamat Sukhoi Superjet 100. Pemberitaan mengenai Sukhoi Superjet ini memang takkan ada habisnya jika sebuah penyebab kecelakaan tersebut belum juga ditemukan. Sampai saat ini, kotak hitam/black box yang menjadi satu-satunya parameter menguak penyebab terjadinya kecelakaan pesawat superjet 100 ini juga sampai saat ini masih belum bisa di teliti. Penelitian box black itu memang membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama, karena memang pengidentifikasian kotak hitam memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama. Betapa pentingnya sebuah Kotak Hitam dalam sebuah pesawat mengingatkan kita betapa pentinganya suatu dimensi yang berbeda yakni Final Liga Champion 2012 dan Final Copa Del Rey 2012. Memang jika tidak adanya kotak hitam, maka dapat dipastikan penyebab terjadinya pesawat akan sulit teruungkap. Beerita ini sendiri saya review dari berbagai macam sumber dan hanya melalui HP HTC One X yang saya miliki. Memang kalau untuk sebuah ukuran HP tak begitu luas informasinya, beda lagi jika pada laptop, tablet atau meia yang lain. Kecepatan informasi memang sangatlah penting, apalagi dengan adanya berita sukhoi superjet 100 ini. Berita dari sumber manapun asal informasinya cepat update, layaknya Suzuki Satria FU 150, maka manajemen informasi yang ada di otak ppun akan makin membaik.


many things to consider in the purchase of the aircraft because it involves a lot of lives.
it must be for the new aircraft are not allowed through the area difficult.
and should have much to consider to launch aircraft from the start the weather, the condition of the aircraft up to the control area that will be passed regardless of the sophistication of the aircraft.
probably a lot of mistakes made is human error.
so watch out for all flights to all concerned to safety.